Mr. Diamond Pump Nick and Dustin S. Mr. Diamond Pump likes to go on vacations. He is pretty nice unless you scream at him. He enjoys surfing a lot! He enjoys catching the rays! His head is a half upside down circle. The line of the circle goes at the top of his head. His eyes are rectangles. Color them black. His horns are black pointy triangles. His nose is a small half circle. He has a nose ring. He has an oval for his neck. He wears a baseball cap with stripes on it. The tail is facing left. He has a big mouth. He has ten teeth on top and bottom. The teeth are orange, red, and blue. He has a shirt that says 'RAMBO' on it. His body is a medium rectangle. His legs are thin rectangles. His shorts are orange. He has claws on his hands and feet. He has muscles right where his arms start. His body is green. He lifts a circle weight in each hand.