Grumpy Old St. Nick Kohl and Austin Grumpy Old St. Nick is his name and being grumpy is his game. He ate Santa Claus, and he doesn't give anyone a gift. He doesn't share. He is not nice! He is just evil!! To start draw a circle for the head. Then draw a beard right under the head. Next draw a triangle with a circle on top for the hat. Now draw circles a little bit over the middle of the head and two circles on the cheeks for blush. Draw a mustache right under the eyes. Next draw a circle overlapping the mustache for the nose. Then draw two rectangles pointing down for the eyebrows. Then draw a rectangle for the mouth. Now draw the teeth. They are triangular shaped, three on the bottom and two on the top. For the body draw a big circle. Then draw a rectangle for arms. Put a lightning bolt and a heart with an arrow through it for tattoos on the right arm. Next draw a rectangle for legs. Draw 'go-go' boots for feet. Then put a sleigh under him with fur coming out of a muffler.