No Name Genna His body is a rectangle with a line going through the middle the rectangle is in the middle of the page. His arms are diamonds on each side of the diamonds you put circles at the end and the diamonds are blue and the circle is purple. His legs are thin rectangles that are brown and attached to the rectangle and the thin rectangles have circles on the end and they are blue. Then you put a circle on the top of the body and the circle is purple. It has two triangles inside and close To the top of the circle and the triangles have two circles in them that are green and the triangles are yellow. He has a square nose under the triangles and it is peach. The mouth is a semicircle and it is blue and it has small rectangle teeth. He has small circles on the top of his circle head and short lines going up out of the circles and they are green. He has straight lines coming out of the big circle they are red.