Nightroe Dude Bryan and Mallory 1. First, draw a square for the head. 2. Second, draw two red eyes inside of the square. 3. Third, draw a red line for the mouth. 4. Fourth, color the head black. 5. Fifth, draw a trapezoid for the chest, the short side touching the square head. 6. Sixth, draw a red line down the middle of the trapezoid and color the trapezoid black. 7. Next, draw a triangle on both sides of the trapezoid and color them red. 8. After that draw a fat rhombus on each side of the triangle and color them black. 9. Then draw a square under the trapezoid for the stomach, color it black. Make a design like a muscled up stomach in it. 10. Next, draw an upside down triangle under the square. 11. After that draw one slanted trapezoid on each side of the triangle. 12. Last, but not least draw two rectangles for the feet.