Alien Kimberly My monster looks like an alien. When you draw it you should start with the head. The head is a squiggly circle shape. It has a small head. The eyes are the same as the head except a lot smaller. It has two eyes. The nose looks like the eyes also. The mouth is a squiggly line going horizontal. It is a little bit opened. The neck is very skinny and a little long. The body is a big squiggly circle. At the bottom of the body there is a blue triangle. There are two tiny arms One is coming out of the top of the body and the other is on the other side. Each arm only has four fingers pointing upward. It has two long legs each have three toes pointing down. The Arms and legs are black and the fingers and toes are red. The body, neck, and head is bright yellow (you can use a yellow highlighter). And that is my monster.