Confusedie Brittany My Monster is called Confusedie, it was named that because it's big blue eyes are always crossed, and he is always confused. His green head is oval shaped and his green body is very round and small, his tiny green hands and arms are only one-half inch long. His big smile has two red fangs, but never fear; he is a harmless creature that lives on mars. The two curly antennas that are on his head send out radioactive waves to the super market, for some reason that is why banana's turn from green to yellow when they're ripe. His only power is that he can levitate rocks; he can't levitate anything else but rocks. His little black nose reminds me of a two-sided triangle. His blue belly button sticks out like a rocket. The other strange thing about him is that he only has four fingers on his right hand, and five on his left. So if you come to meet Confusedie don't be afraid, he can be the sweetest thing you ever laid your human eyes on.