Hunka-Munka KMJL Our monsters name is Hunka-Munka. To make him, draw an oval shaped head. Make three eyes. Two eyes go next to eachother and one goes on top. To make the nose draw a line then go out, then come back in and connect it. On the bottom of the nose make an earing thats yellow. To make the ears draw squiggly elaphant ears. Then add an earing on each ear. Make blue and green dots all over the ears. Then color them yellow. Make big fat lips that are purple. To make the hair draw blue and green curly hair. Draw a purple curly mustache. Color the head green and make blue, purple, and yellow dots all over. To make the body draw a square, then make an eye in the middle. Draw colorful lines and dots all over it. To make the arms draw squgilly short arms. Make a bannana-shaped hands. Draw 12 fingers on each hand. Make them sharp. For the legs, make one straight, one curved. On the legs make patches all over them.