Robotic Mania Mariel What is Robotic Mania? I'm about to tell you a thorough description of this colorful moster. Robotic Mania is made up of squares and rectangles from head to toe. The perimeter of his head is one inch and his color of his head is blue. His ears, which are on both sides of his head, are 1/8 inch. There are three antennas on the top of his head and are ' inches, with little squares at the top of the antennas, and the antenna color is black. He has square eyes with square pupils. He has a horizontal rectangle for a mouth, which is 1/8 inch. And slanted in eyebrows. Now on to the body. Robotic Mania has a veridical rectangle body and there is a horizontal line right in the middle the top of the line is pink and on the bottom it is yellow. His arms are green and a veridical rectangle and at the end of his are little red horizontal rectangle and for his fingers are one little brown lines going veridical and little green squares at the of the brown line. Now the legs. Go down to the middle of the legs and draw a line in the middle. On top of the line is an orange, on the bottom of the line is purple. His feet have blue boots that are squares. And that's Robotic Mania. Sincerely, Robotic Mania