Spankyfangs Lauren and Andrew If you mess with this monster you will get it, but if you leave him alone you will be okay. His name is Spankyfangs, but his friends call him Spanky. Spanky's favorite food is mashed potatoes and noodles. If you see someone with a green head playing basketball'it's Spanky. Here's how you draw Spanky. First you draw a medium sized circle. Secondly you make small green spikes going around the head until only a little bit of the head is left. Next you draw black one-centimeter lines between every four spikes. For the face you make five eyes on top of the head. First you draw three eyes going sideways and put one eye on top of the middle eye and one under. Color the eyes black. For the nose you draw a small 'C' and trace in black. Now for the mouth you draw three teeth at the top of the mouth. Color the mouth blue and the teeth black. Next you draw fangs on the outside of the mouth. On the very end of the fangs draw a line that makes a triangle on the bottom of both fangs. Color the triangles red and the fangs black. For the body draw a three-inch rectangle about two inches wide. Color this blue. About one inch up from the bottom draw a line from one side to the other side. Color the space you just made black. On the body make a zigzag going up and down through the middle of the body in black. On the left side of the body write 'Danger' going up and down. On the other side of the zigzag line write 'Fangs' going up and down. Write the words in black. For the arm you draw two one-inch arms. Put one on each side of the body. Color these blue. Draw one pointy hand with three fingers for each hand. Color these green. Now for the tail you draw a two inch curved black tail. On the tip of the tail draw a small blue triangle. Now for the legs you draw two two-inch legs on the bottom of the body. Color these black. Finally for the shoes you need to draw these like regular shoes (oval shaped) that are red. By Lauren and