Mrs. Pumpkinhead Stefanie My monster is the shape of a pumpkin it's all orange. It's stem is green. His eyes are yellow stars without lines in them. Under the left eye is a huge red zit going side to side. Her hair is brown and in a sideways ponytail to your right with a green scrunchey. The ear on the right is a red rectangle going up and down with a black outline of a dangling blue block earring. The left is a rectangle that's pink but the rest is the same. The nose has two yellow circles on the side with a blue rectangle in the middle, of them. That's all together in the middle. Her mouth is 16 small circles that curve up to make a smiley J face they're red. Right above each side is a pink triangle. The legs are pink rectangles going up and down. Her feet are purple triangles going to the left. That's my monster called Mrs. Pumpkinhead.