Disturbing Thing Daniel 1. Draw a hand doing the thumbs up. 2. Draw a circle in the thumb and draw a smaller circle in the centre of the circle. Draw blood shot eyes. 3. Draw a wobbly mouth with sharp teeth in it. 4. Draw a skinny neck under the hand. 5. Draw a long sleaved shirt and under the shirt draw a pair of shorts 6. For the hands instead of hands draw feet and there are six toes on one foot each. 7. Draw a pair of legs and draw hands instead of feet and there are 4 fingers and 1 thumb on each hand. 8. The skin is orange, the shirt is blue, the shorts are green, the hand for the head is yellow, and the eyes are red. 9. Draw another picture the same as that but it is mirrored (Facing opposite sides.) 10. Have the same colour as the other one. By Daniel H.