Cool Dude Stephanie My monsters body (not head) is about (4 inches) and the green head is about (1 ' inches). His head is the shape of franken steins. It's head is in the same spot that ours is. He Has ears like us. His right ear is pierced twice. One on the Cartiledge of his ear and, the other one is where it normally is. It's a long earring, with a diamond on the end. He has five sqiggly hairs that are brown. He has an orange squiggly shirt. He has purple squiggly pants. He has green shoes. He has a tail with 4 eyes on it. The eyes on the tail are purple and the tail is green. It's (1 ' inches) long. He has five eyes shaped like triangles. He has an eye brow that is black on top of every eye. He has two green arms and they are (1 inch) long with no hands.