[EXIT REALITY IS GROWING:] PART 1 September 25, 2006, 01:38 [FORWARD:] herself in the flesh grin safe pasture in the glass sands it’s quiet as a tire exploding tar and a typhoon, rosemary and olive oil keeping digging for the measure, it’s the giver of the world shave and a haircut, two bits. Divorced the symptom for the amorphous The cure was taken for the storks and left like old vaseline; salami in the rain. And the dreams dried up like seeds for her cemetery witness And no one is ever sure anymore now that time has shed it’s mane. "DO MY BEST TO TAKE DICTATION UNTIL WE DIE OF BEST INTENTIONS. I BLEW APART DEFEAT IN YOUR EYES. THE AGE OF ENVY RETURNS. TAKE UP THY SWORD AND SWALLOW THEE." -ANON {dawn} Now I see the virgins halo Has driven to my end Where I had just then began Strip the temptress from my glance Pour yourself another glass of great depression Hear the wild poison And dreams fed unto you It’s that lonesome rendesvou That you’re tasting Theres one more moonlight dance so stay To slay your demons As thy auspicious mistress Haunted freedoms long aghast Swallowed every looking glass Preyed on precious moments past As her smoking barrels rasp the undernetting I’ve been swallowing every bullet Shot the soul inside of me To rest my laurels in a beak of hemlock tea And on your deathbed, they’ll be betting those bedbugs are going to bite and for 21 sleepless years I saw the light now this way I go.. I’m taking the long way back to paradise Then I’m taking it all Entwine yourself a rabid muse To ease your own deceit Impersonate your strange decay Come on let’s lisp the night away Escape is but the horrorshow You’ve gotta Croak out the hymns of old Tame the lion with a briar and a rose And from the temple they were howling... I’m taking the long way back to paradise Then I’m taking it all and the venusians fell for a beauty mark played the vulture star on a dixie harp forgive the rhyme and reason Inside Her empty metal heart be still for my au revoir… And on your epitaph it read I’m taking the long way back… {midday} And all the june sweeped its wings, Beware his serpent bearer I believe I’ll come in through the dead fog And that means forever and won’t you too? Just a fiddle for our design Sometimes invite a jackal and charm out all the blood Cheshire lunged, it’s a business fit for the next faust And I’m begging you… whatever came of aquarius? With a tranquil eye; Broken, lonely china doll just a little bit lost in business And chess piece, But how aren’t we. Rip it apart because when my legs are stone Rub royal the Lincoln mob; forge me. Take me aside to the Countess Queen, And the Countess Queen read her tome to me: “and I’d taken our paradigm taken our batten eyed taken all and spurred on mink. And all maiden, Oui Oui Mercy. Mimes in the reddle, and oh how fancy we meet In cramped amputee, who can perfectly entertain my wheel And I never dropped through a dry spell And once the typhoons have yawned, the chapels are gone.” -Rhymed the heartfelt eye. And we happened off on the long way home. {sundown} Ride heed take wrong verse eat The nouns of a seed, the teeth of a masterpiece Taken from me, take them from he Pass the bra, child blond Last the foul, slime speed The sash has gone, the taft hath flown away Forgiveness me, all dice read again Whence all plights all bled the hall (whispered of) Waken my eyes, breaken my ties, taken my wives And I won’t bid anymore. tisk tall, sake seam I bought thee at epoch end temple, till I spill out the waist in weeds. Drink alittle bit more, tell me about me. It’s the graveyard dirt, the prussian gown They all break, break, break With a dime in the best well Or a rice paper death knell It’s the lost sirens of Babylon Should be about time for the sores to catfish. And we’d all die for the taste of nothing. And it’s a mine nine way And it’s a buy blind dame I thought I’d tame casino sultry spines for you And that’s a pretty shame, the banshees howl for you I thought I’d take the tongues of 40 mouths for you And boil the golden cows to swedish crowns for you A long time style, guide to connect the dites Lights to spike the white of their eyes Defy the sea just alittle more, must know what the white heat is slaving for Bellow the gull, spear the bull Open the golden beauty Focus the hunger netting They say the hand learns to reach from the master That’s all I want…17 dreams at the rival claw. Strap me down town to the ticking time-bomb Lynch my likeness to the creeping calm Pinch every polka doll back to lover in law And go home with another cough Where’s that mood I always see? Mule white and sister-fied Who of the mystery girls will make it out alive? At petty guise, lunge preaching out I’d be the same and I’d never be the same You kissed the throne, all tuckered out You might as well match into the bridge Wider rings, I’ve lot strings soho You’d be spider in my angel wings again She done sprawling mother superior while walking home I got a nine hunk of an eye for lizard skin Lady tames down to the traffic and I was too busy being lonely You and secrets but I’ve the skeleton key. cheats shock the rubber room with a sense of currency what was the number again? (BLACK GOLD: did you order the pizza yet? NARRORATOR: (inaudible) ) Wise wine, lights alive the veil on faced Whisper the lurcher Whimper it all Decode the lies (12:75 or :35) Loyal spy revival, won’t you lure the brides? We dame cinnamon sugar cane, whispers in the lumbertine Where’s that venice lime; that sly reply? Jump right in, feed the lion smote Chelsea, we’re owner soaked Chelsea, all our sires have choked You know I’d never appease it Like the rope-back with the saint Whip crack pretty pink And I’ve been ever ready to faint under that triple sec tonight. And the friars rise again.. Skunk out with a rubbery rating Black power, the white thai wedding Don’t squeam to the slugger defacer That’s me or the other in snailshell I think we had to pay at the door. Whisper low in the friars lid And I broke my fingers in the fold Rumors sang and torched my home Now I’m swallowing every lightbulb after dawn. {dusk} wand take you velom slippery by the slice of the break lights bye bye baby, baby goodbye swill became awfulest mare all we break last, red rained of child brides softly, awfully, I laid as centerpiece remain a mystery, as your treasure trove limped laughing home Buffalo Soldier, Heart of America Full pen lies I’m asking Grab me some bulbs, baby lungs of demigods Saucing often a kaleidoscope bran They caught me a-blush; wanted man Tell me all, all, all and why, why, why, why not? Hail mosen asp this morning ensoaken the deaf law Fresh pocket canary where’s the punch in this line Do you remember the shape I was in 12 pins and hissing fits, horns and fins All take my hand, and look to your last As I’ve been through wild fever, leave her still alone Swimming, ensweating, misheathen and misleading Endream frill, heat of the road The vile ending, the shadow lending You’d barely wince her nor the tragic by the bait. The cullies nabbing that leave me wearing Oh do I remember when the pneumatic fever five Every european, your very thought of making lemonade from villain Better keep your pennies all alone, instead of reach for every audience Every baby born, all sacred eyed Announced in the showers of real mutiny. Rind ravel fond, among you were the lucky sevens Stand by dames of the milken twilight As pharaohs burning, amongst the mistakes you shall find… {twilight} …and all your tomorrow’s, your spite shall ride in vain daily bread, faintly late a ring so rare today should not be fate for long mascarade as dignity, And the bed you make tomorrow Inside you those devils are biting in spite of you Bid all the fairness of your hair so long by the in tow wilne To mask offers of foul walkers, now baby I oughta slay I’ve caught enough lies to bury your spanish galleon, talions And I’ve never been seeing them boys around here again And I’ve got enough white lies to scare them black angels back to the motherland. I’ve been a charming man for too long Now it’s time to take it: your broke back smiling eyes As I’ve been sharpening, harp and crow I’ll know I’d never, ever sail those seven seas again… They’re walking home Baalzebub, they say, came unto me and say: “do you want another black mass of mine?” as I see, all sails have a tale to tell, and he say: “say brother, you just take your time, have yourself some sulfur wine…your baby... she’ll be going so far away…” But I don’t care what the judge, the jury and the executioner they’ve got to say…I’m guilty. And here’s my reply: “Only the good ones die…” and I am but a tool of us all throw them bones in the fire and take me back to that water shell and the spanish galleons sing of her love of her black violins divine as only the good ones die… consider the crybaby you must, but I lie the tomb of the rigeous and I am but the luck of all man. I dream the heat of easy street And the 8 of hearts I keep concealed as the black magic that deflowered me All lucky women, pride her wives of the ocean… And only the good ones die… [END VIENNAGRAM:]