SANE AT IVY UROL January 07, 2006, 01:00 {dawn} GASOLIVE KISSING BOOTH, what a fair red one paints the town with Public, needs a vigil and a chief whose barely blinking Pencil thin at the convex, there’s a muse outstepping us on the hot coals Sloth can’t be the seventh, I’ve got to make you love me again. Washington is smirking and whiskey slurring with the alterboys They sold your liver for a quarter, smashed all of Februarys teeth out. Tempation, don’t keep me waiting, I’ve got to make you love me again. Practice on the perch, parole in the pit of a peach Behold the Svengali, A.V. Vienna The cowards and the kings are crying and singing: “The Viennagram will mesmerize the Turks!” {midday} watch the Yours on the itty bitty blacklist I washed your feet until the saint came home Lousie and anna wont you come slay the perry quail tonight Put out your cigars in the rotgut flashpan Your heart is dealt for gum and liqour stamps And all engaged is to be departed Oh it’s the headline in the farest My electric lovers up on the pedestal again (sent via the tri-coastal dopple-ampheramone) the [VIENNAGRAM:] reads: “A ANILE SO TURVY/ A INTERVALS YOU/ A UNIVERSAL TOY/ A AVIRULENT SOY/ A SYLVANITE OUR/ A VENTAIL YOURS/ A VENALITY SOUR/ A VENALITY ROUS/A VENALITY OURS/ A VENALITY OR US??? A NATIVELY OR US? A VALINE TYRO US/ A VINEAL OUR STY/ A NAIVELY ROT US/ A VOLTAIRE SUNY/ A OVALISE RUNTY/ A VIRELAY SNOUT/ A AISLE ON TURVY/ A VALISE RUN TOY/ A ALIVE ON RUSTY/ A ALIVE ON TRY US/ A ALIVE NO RUSTY A ALIVE NO TRY US A ALIVE STUN ROY/ A ALIVE SUN TORY/ A EVASION TRULY/ A NAIVE TRULY SO/ A NAIVE LUST ROY/ A NAIVE SLUT ROY/ A ATIVE SURLY ON/ A LEA IVORY STUN/ A LEA IS ON TURVY! A LEA IS NO TURVY! A LEA IVY ON RUST A LEA IVY NO RUTS A LEA IVY NO RUST A LEA IVY TORN US A ALE VINOUS TRY/ A ALE IVY STUN OR A ALE IVY SUN ROT/ A NEAL IVY TOURS/ A LANE VIRUS TOY/ A LANE VITUS ROY/ A RAVENOUSLY IT/ A LEARN IVY TO US/ A VENTRAL IS YOU A VALENT I YOURS/ A VALENT SIR YOU/ A NEATLY VIS OUR/ A NAVEL I OUR STY/ A NAVEL IT YOURS/ A NAVEL IT ROY US/ A ALOE IVY TURNS/ A LAYOVERS UNIT/ A LAYOVER UNITS/ A REAL IVY SNOUT/ A EARL IVY NUT SO/ A SERAL IVY UNTO/ A REALS IVY UN TO/ A LASER IVY UNTO/ A SALUTER IVY NO/ A TRAVELS IN YOU A SLAVER TIN YOU/ A SAUREL IVY TON/ A SAUREL IVY NOT/ A ALERT IVY ON US/ A VAULTER NOISY/ A TRAVEL INS YOU/ A VALUER IN TOYS/ A VEAL ISNT YOUR/ A YALE VITRO SUN/ A VERONA I LUSTY/ A ERATO VINYL US/ A AVERY I LUST NO/ A AVERY I SLUT ON/ A YEAR IN VOLT US/ A YEAR VINO LUST/ A SEA VINYL TOUR/ A ATE VINYL OURS/ A ATE VIRUS ONLY/ A NAIL VERY TO US/ A URINAL VET SOY/ A STALIN VOYEUR/ A STALIN REV YOU/ A LATINS VOYEUR/ A SAINTLY OUVRE/ A NASTILY OUVRE/ A ANVILS YET OUR/ A LITANY ROVE US/ A VAINLY ROUTES/ A VARIOUSLY TEN/ A RAILTO ENVY US/ A TAILOR ENVY US A ORALITY VENUS A LIAR VENTS YOU A LAIR ENVY TO US/ A LIAR VENUS TOY/ A RIVALS NET YOU/ A VIRTUAL YES NO REAL NAVY IS OUT/ LEANT YOUR VISA/ VALUE ANTI ROSY/ VALUE ANY RIOTS/ VEAL RAYON SUIT/ VEALY NOTARIUS/ RAVENOUS ITALY/ AEONS ULTRA IVY/ NEAR VISUAL TOY/ SNARE VITAL YOU/ SERVANT AIL YOU/ TAVERNS AIL YOU/ RAVENS TAIL YOU/ ARENT VIALS YOU/ NATURE SAY VIOL/ YEARN OVAL SUIT/ SANE VARY IT LOU/ SEAN VAULTY RIO/ NATES RIVAL YOU/ UNEASY VALOR IT/ NAVES TRIAL YOU/ EVANS TRIAL YOU/ ANTE OVARY LUIS/ NATE SAVOURILY/ VARIOUSLY NEAT/ NEAT VISUAL ROY/ ORATE US VAINLY/ ARE OVALS UNITY/ ARE SAVOY UNTIL/ EAR VANITY SOUL/ EAR ANUS IVY LOT/ RATES ANVIL YOU/ SEURAT NAVY OIL/ STARVE NAIL YOU/ SAVER OILY TUNA/ TEARY VISUAL ON/ RAVE SOYA UNTIL/ SEA OVARY UNTIL/ EAST ULNA IVORY/ SAVE ROYAL UNIT/ AIL NASTY OUVRE/ AIL ANUS REV TOY/ URINAL SAY VETO/ URINAL SAY VOTE/ VAINLY AT ROUSE/ VIOLA RAY TUNES/ SAIL NAVY ROUTE/ IRAN SAVOY LUTE/ SAY AT UNVEIL OR/ SAY AT LOVE I RUN {sundown} Now she’s got a lot of mouths to feed My little seven headed whore of babylon She’d never see the forest for the trees So she could walk that walk Broken eye soakin ether token from her spine another lonely black widow now all that glitters ain’t golden, my darlings and that fever keeps playing on and it’s the death to the classics in every laugh I asked the violent four how to get this blood from my hands It’s in a circle and it’s closing in The circle is closing in. Now she’s got a lot of mouths to feed My little seven headed whore of babylon Lucky pennies at the station and her hearts on her sleeve So save the Velvet Touch for me… And you’re the same paradigm… {dusk} Bennington is bleeding and the guilt is good Moths in the pocket to the fountain of youth who put the olive branch in the funeral fire? See the widowmaker’s waltz, they’ll be licking my wounds for me Well it’s a six and a six and six six six Where the cannons and the white flags fly There’s a ring on every finger and soft blue details in the tide Which is a shadow, which is a whisper that will lead the dial tones to pasture It was the ballad and the bastard who plotted our seventh signature demise It’s taken truth to keep us willing, but at arms-length and on the side And every weeping cherry whistled “she’s the poison of the land” They were the diamonds in the gutter for that Salvation City girl That we all wished we could forget… {twilight} [White flags over salvation state:] I was sick as an author until I took that offer I couldn’t bring myself to lick another envelope again Reader, won’t you rock the boat; in a hospital ask who I love the most And I’ll whisper “lilywhite” from the hole in my throat Conceit, I couldn’t erase her enough (exhale) never again, another memoir in braille Confessions from your electric lover, and the karma coffin Lily white, doesn’t the night rip you apart Lily white, yes that carbon copy must belong somebody else Down the line there’s a blacklist waiting for you Kiss your silver bullets Goodnight and fade to white And you were mine, saturnine The archetype when you’re running scared And you’re only a girl And you miss me, misread, miss with the hope of a thief everything behind your copper gowns do you miss me like I set you up me to? setting me up, serving me up to the slaughter the demigodess set me up, demigodess saught me out turn to the missionare radio can you smell the rotting apple from here? I can, I can’t watching over you autumn two And in my sleep you had the candles waiting for me But I Kiss your silver bullets Goodnight and fade to white It’s all for lilywhite widowmaker Spin your web, my love And to the slaughter we were And never shall we part… [END VIENNAGRAM:]