[ME TEN WHEN BLOOD PICKED TOP MOTHER:] (casual autism in the autumn solace) October 10, 2004, 02:31 {dawn} there is nothing more serious, ermine fives cry your double eyes out, violent fours we’ve got a spewing beast to stuff dead the taxidermists and the beached whales have one thing in common: they won’t know when to quit… but as for the viva viva vienna’s of the world… we directed the ferried perusal on lipstick basic itself, we replayed tablets of firehouse bridges scalding hot the immense triple hemostat envoy, aboard The Abstractor or a challenger in pettiness… lustful and childlike McCoy speculated on letting us live it was stars and laws, truth in flaws Modest Czechs, sirens of the woodwork…HALT {midday} adhesions from the inductor, sweet scoring of the abrogate who would eliminate strychnine dictations like a Capricorn accretion storming like a Reich barge, dominating through the Burgundy rubble I’ve been picturing commanding a Turkish battalion, bypassing all nerves as shaming misers devouted only to their cysts but lately the negligent embassy has seen me black sheep bigger the quietest mussel smiling through the chill the chill of a malefactor asphyxia a symptom so historically admirable that it influenced my birth. {sundown} we unwrap the Seagram purports and set for certainty aboard the mothership a mettlesome plundering within the land of the temporal twelves mouser, oh ocelot, you wear the empirical so well [ALLOWED CRISIS///SHUTDOWN SUBCHANNEL:] amplified, infused, we were respondents in buckskin Later on, The Dutchman deploys Snouts McGill. attendees hurrah for Plastic Mouth Patricia Grease mocks cupboards accusingly. Such an equation befell obligation And the hawker died dry in his casket. The Danger darer defaults, flanked by the salvation city torpedo!! Let us bury Plastic Mouth Patricia but remember her as a static saint… yet before we could burn her with the Vikings, we were off… Much work to be done somewhere in Soft Town, USA… “of the love I hate there is a single step” casual autism in the autumn solace The Norwegian herbivore, SCOTT TALK joins the mothership of fools to articulate the baths of ripeness. Later, the omens of guilt actuated in a bland town Proved by the innocent, damned by the luckless. {dusk} The selling advertiser, Hereto Croydon invested in J-O-H-N-C-A-L-E that scroll across the marquee unevenly ALL reckless irritants monopolize!! The rallying in the glossier interum Fort ran risings: Dishonored Abe nobleman eater inlets, typist quoted essay, enormities canvassing and exempting cries from the opening act ANN FRANK. Croydon repays complete booths Our redemption sparest as golding snow Standing waiting for a man to show… In paradise everything is fine {twilight} “life is short, and love is very sweet” The road from salvation to here sold the coals right back living in a soft town that’s getting harder all the time The vanity, useless to resist the siren’s calling The fading bride’s lull of crime lights just begging Beneath the theatre lights we reach from ledges Her burning blind has windows now Where the handsome creatures came to watch like a loner dying within a radiance of reverie callus midnights, secretive conical reveals the czech republic has seized the city of love but which came first in the fear of paris? [END VIENNAGRAM:]