#271DR-T11.291MEDFRY.99TXTL.11TOTL2.39CASH065723:46DEC12.12REG0002 [OR:] [WEDDING DAY SWEAT:] December 13, 2003, 02:03 {dawn} reassigning your rectum to Russia with hind sight binocular lenses we’re the pinch points of our time. In our mythical balloons; machines of crooning blue We used to send the static to march your elementary school bones Up to your room alone. Don’t you remember all the dead flies? You can thank us later… {midday} Meanwhile, at the Burning Chandelier Club (BCC) The rain complimented their eyes like Braille for the blind. Gusts of wind blistered the brick exterior Didn’t they know everything is epic with a Ride of the Valkyries? The signal to the balcony primed the chain smoking claws Careful strategy of pullies and wires lower the triangle into place [QUE SPOTLIGHT:] [BULLHORN:] AV:“NO CONSTITUTION; ONLY ELECTRIC EELS Stand in, plan in, demand that your father sells you THE drugs (KING CRAB whispers that a horseshoe crab is an actual spider) The major A-dd mora-l sent his marches into the marsh that Day. The sergeant of the squid exclaimed: “This time shit has gotten us into this”. Indeed Charlie, Indeed. They sat back in their CHAIRs and puffed on their cigars: “Shall we dispense? With the pleasant-rees?” Yeh or Neh: The Peliduin briefs are in succession. Major B. G, of GB and HBC has been called to trial Tyler: WE understand that you have been under order and have been quietly killing friends. Yeh or Neh: B.G: Well, I never set the coordinates to this collapsation of justice. I suggest you refer to 969 and 576s of the world order code book. Cook this. (walks off) Tyler: Truly, we have seen the face of fools. Kill the man who finds away a-round. I hate to do this. C-S-Y-O-I-I-I-L-K-OO-L-O-P-Y-C-N-S-Y-O-I-I-II-P-Y-S The way, I see it, banal, we’ve all got It made. –said the spade Squid squidma and his Cer-al-ben-al jet engines, yes, he’s got a chance at: MODEERF fo rethaf eht stahw ro who tub There’s only one thing, TO bee added: “send em all to hell” and with that, he was on his way Somehow, he knew he was never coming home again. He just knew. He knew he’d never see Nancy grow up to be a beautiful young girl like Donna once was. How the years slip by. ch To you my friends, you’re all the same, but to me…you’re well done SING RING RINGS NECKLINE” [QUE BEWILDERED APPLAUSE:] Yes, these young, dare I say, women were gripped with uncertainty and scandal. They had never seen the likes of : A)Vagina Knife Fight B) Radio Static C) Cigarettes D) Sugar Thus proving the phrase: Viva! Viva! Vienna! [BEHIND THE CURTAIN:] [SECRET SIDEBAR:] S-E-X B-E-F-O-R-E M-A-R-R-I-A-G-E {sundown} no lights, no music {dusk} Zippers for weeks Being chased for days Arrested for life Cheating like vending machine claws. Payroll machetes stained and fainted. Cobras with feet are driving us out of the city again. OUR SUNS DO NOT SET OUR SUNS DO NOT SET OUR SUNS DO NOT SET OUR SUNS DO NOT SET And our fathers watches will be placed in with our ashes; Not in poison Hungary but in the frost devoured mountains. [EVEN SPLIT:] your marvels and your childhood sheets, dumps are for trashing highways built on traffic. Freckles like hymns of recycled napkins Seep under shooting suicide stars Periphery/Periphery; alive is how we are/alone is all we’ll be/ under the concrete sea. Wine is only wisdom under water 27 lisps for a waitress/actress just bait on all lines; nerves? PHERAMONE: “rot our teeth until the casket and Replace our introspective melancholy with riptide and bugs from many countries.” (As to rectify the bank) and now we’re still melting down like idols still golden for our eyelids are blinders of the time and airbags for the heart. {twilight} alive is how we are alone is all we’ll be under the concrete sea. And our suns do not set…