[LOSS OF PROTEIN:] "Car moi, je veux l'anarchie" August 20, 2003, 23:59 {dawn} algae eaters see what they want to eat. Classic fuzz. {midday} such beauty in sharp aesthetics. [CLASSIFIED:] my lungs are humming like a Saigon choir The mark of Mercury whispers an attempt on AV’s life. Whom could it be? The Pompadour? Too gullible The Lieutenant? Head on collision Gentleman George II? Save the wedding bells… {sundown} The Flowers of Romance are appearing at the gates of Bosnia No worries, I ride in style (germs) from the Low Salt Area. THE Marissa Burke, the best and brightest of all beauty bulbs and her Siamese sister, Tanya Visto lead the way, marking their tracks with Asian cigarette smoke. MARISSA BURKE: “The path to the gates of Bosnia lie inside the diamond route” [CLASSIFIED:] Marissa Burke is as beautiful as she ever was; Once, while we were children, I asked for her telephone number. She gladly gave it to me. It took me 2 months to work up the courage to call; when I finally did, her father answered in a gristle “She’s out on her brother’s boat.” That one event triggered a chain reaction in my life. TANYA VISTO: Patience = rumors (doors lock) Resist. Ignore the smoking Chinese fireworks in the backseat. (open window to puncture ear drum) The unseen drone adrenaline causes me to believe Marissa Burke is a global threat. TANYA VISTO: “Explosion? You mean Self Destruct.” [CLASSIFIED:] We are hunted and car jammed (don’t believe it) by a gang of barcode bounty hunters. They translate through barcode- morse code. I roughly translate a message as: [DECODED:] “Gas the blonde beauty” Trauma. Suddenly: Captain James Jesus breaks all bounty barcode collar bones. He picks his casino jaw with the shells of A-bombs. MARISSA BURKE: “Send a message of love” More like a granite veil. {dusk} It gets hot while running through the elephant graveyard. like snagged pantyhose. ALEX VIENNA: “What’s a trolley doing on this superhighway?” The words vaporized in mid air. The lights turned a sick apricot vomit. Due to; poisonous metropolitan yellow oxide lights. Damn near death in the moth lamp tunnel. As we emerged, the burning piano was grappled by giant lobster claws. Mechanical Juggernauts argued in diluted feed back. Shoes fit carefully into brick wall. Q: But what else is Chinatown for? A: NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS Atlantis sinks. Obese bodies are crawling with sexual grace. Sears catalogue models are coy for cabs on every corner. But these parasites have evolved…WITH wings! We spray hot glue at the waterfront villains and seem to jet away from the millions of horses. Straight to hell? It could be anywhere… Even, ROW C LEVEL P1 The flowers of romance attract a large cloud of conjunctivitis. The degenerate wagon is/are mistaken for friends, but friends that are enemies, but enemies ARE friends. The Asthma Spies trap Neil Young in the Giant glass and shine rotten paranoia lamps in his eyes. The crowd cheers. [BULLHORN:] ANNOUNCER: NO FUTURE. NO FUTURE. …and I smirk at the throne of virtue. {twilight} The flowers of romance sell their own name for $30-35 to your father’s drinking buddies. Hoards of peacocks flock to see the filthy lucre. [CLASSIFIED:] To better experience such an event, I disguise myself as a horned peacock. No one is the wiser. A Sociology lecture; a bit of psychology, a bit of neurology, a bit of “fuck-ology”. No fun. –or- The Reverend is dropkicked then pistol whipped. Is this the MPLA, my precious? Rotten: “That's anarchy! Thank you, see you in Baghdad.” Concentrate! TV speeds up my brain. Concentrate! Myself, M. Burke and T. Visto drag race down coast on a loaded gun. ALEX VIENNA: “There’s the shoreline…like a worm” The Soufflé is ruined in the rain. [QUE FEEDBACK:] (polish machine gun) (put on bikini) (sneak into room) (put soap in eyes) (forget) This may be the last time I see my dearest Ms. Burke. (stand trial) These, true believers…they’re good people. [END VIENNAGRAM:] !!!URGENT!!! This ain’t no goodnight kiss. Skunk sends a message to the direct Viennagram line. [MESSAGE RECEIVED:]