[VICE OF THE CENTIPEDE: LOOK AND LEAK:] August 09, 2003, 23:00 {dawn} n. 1. Sentimentality or vulgar, often pretentious bad taste, especially in the arts: “When money tries to buy beauty it tends to purchase a kind of courteous kitsch” (Albert Einstein). 2. An example or examples of kitsch. adj. Of, being, or characterized by kitsch: “The kitsch kitchen... has aqua-and-white gingham curtains and rubber duck-yellow walls painted in a fried-egg motif” (Thomas Edison). In memoriam of Rev. Byron Buck III Days in the soft shark womb and the good life, send me to take over the tape worm farm. I fail (felt) when I am stuck in the jugular vein with a dozen exploding hyper-realistic needle full of Hot Glue. I almost faint on-sight, no, no, keep your nightgowns on, My teeth only spark like Siamese traffic lights. A gigantic octopus woman asked if I felt alright I spit and spin a large combonation lock of Latin at her pock-marks. They giggled; licking spoons like children Spider eggs hatched out of my sinuses. [CLASSIFIED:] To defy my master, (CONTROL. CONTRIVE. CONTRAST. CONTRICT.) (Check your master.) (Check is your master.) I picked up burning rotten irons,to thus singe my 5 digits. Take that, nerve parasites! [BULLHORN:] TASTES LIKE LIBERATION, MY LONELY LIGHTHOUSE KEEPERS. [CLASSIFIED:] A wild colonoscopy chase in the Silver City Sewers leads to: Red Red Red Whithering Bouquets since- Mold is growing up and out into the world First National Bank, (N. A.) gave me a civil gun [TECHNIQUE:] I took vigilante justice into my careless claws and destroyed modern cinema. Flick used matches into the salt mines for paintings now destruct like silver. {midday} lazer shootout in the fog laden land of takers and users. The skunk and myself have sucessfully tracked down The diplomats. SKUNK REINKE: “I can smell them by their hairspray.” Suddenly, the lazer in question is fired and the skunk is hit. His chest hair crackles in the dark hiss of aesthetic torture. All valley’s echo in dire urgency. [SIGNAL:] [SIGNAL:] Several Karma Police come out of the woodworks to protect Vienna himself; We pulsated with pride for The Duchess. “Remember me?” said the BLUE WHITE RED of Sweet French surrender. All is won. Take em away, boys. {sundown} [PRESS CONFERENCE:] LOS ANGELES: Diplomats apprehended! Here is the official statement issued by Acclaimed Egotist, Alex Vienna; ALEX VIENNA: BON JOUR! BON JOUR! My damsels in distress! I have delivered, as promised, your outlaw diplomats Oh, but how many times must you be captured, Collidascope city? Change laws that are barbaric and vain. be both exalted and reviled in the light of egotism! Then, No longer will you be enslaved as the Great Caffeine will revive your veins. TAR-MOTH SABERTOOTH: WAIT RIGHT THERE! Is there a legal limit for caffeine content? DR. WILL ANDTESTAMENT: Let me answer that: The answer to that is it depends on the country. A few examples of laws related to caffeine content for food and drinks include the following: In the United States there is a limit of 6mg of caffeine per liquid ounce in beverages. There is also a limit of 200mg in pills such as Vivrin. Australia has a limit of Australia 145mg of caffeine per liter. In parts of Northern Thailand it is completely illegal. It was outlawed as a precursor In Collidascope City: let there be caffeine! [CLASSIFIED:] It has been suggested in some quarters, that this is not enough POLICE CHIEF CARLTON ABBOTT: BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE A message from The Duchess, herself to the common citizens: “The cities of Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angers, Reims and Nantes unaware that the foundation is of fatigued New City According to Cattle, people and possessions: all will be quite lost. The Sentimentalist Party will regard him as a good omen. The Empire became too involved with the blond heir elect. Caffeine is ode: ode to edict withdrawn, changing money and standards those opposed will be put (to death) like martyrs." DR. WILL ANDTESTAMENT: also,Caffeine in combination with an analgesic, such as aspirin, is widely used in the treatment of ordinary types of headache. There are few data to substantiate its efficacy for this purpose. Caffeine is also used in combination with an ergot alkaloid in the treatment of migrane (Chapter 39). Ergotamine is usually administered orally (in combination with caffeine) or sublingually [...] If a patient cannot tolerate ergotamine orally, rectal administration of a mixture of caffeine and ergotamine tartarate may be attempted. The bioavailability [of ergotamine] after sublingual administration is also poor and is often inadequate for therapeutic purposes [...] the concurrent administration of caffeine (50-100 mg per mg of ergotamine) improves both the rate and extent of absorption [...] However, there is little correspondence between the concentration of ergotamine in plasma and the intensity or duration of therapeutic or toxic effects. Caffeine enhances the action of the ergot alkaloids in the treatment of migrane, a discovery that must be credited to the sufferers from the disease who observed that strong coffee gave symptomatic relief, especially when combined with the ergot alkaloids. As mentioned, caffeine increases the oral and rectal absorption of ergotamine, and it is widely believed that this accounts for its enhancement of therapeutic effects. {dusk} Here are the alternatives: What is left now is either bitter tablets The dopplegangers and bounty hunters salivate The diplomats go to New York then to sister France Accompany with French Pastries in an awful medicine. I will miss those females, but love is is completely dissolved in the wake of Mollusk Island. “Sexual gratification without love would be bitter no matter how much sugar you may add afterwards. “- Dr. Abe Lincoln. Keep flying, America! {twilight} An unfortunate Luau, leaves clouds of black flys to attack me, in retaliation, I use the aid of Pheramone and the lick of caffeine statistics: Afri-Cola 100.0 (?) Red Bull 80 (per 250 ml) Jolt 71.2 Sugar-Free Mr. Pibb 58.8 Pepsi One 55.5 Mountain Dew 55.0 (no caffeine in Canada) Diet Mountain Dew 55.0 Kick citrus 54 (36mg per 8oz can, caffeine from guarana) Mello Yellow 52.8 Surge 51.0 Tab 46.8 Battery energy drink -- 140mg/l = 46.7mg/can Coca-Cola 45.6 Shasta Cola 44.4 Shasta Cherry Cola 44.4 Shasta Diet Cola 44.4 Mr. Pibb 40.8 OK Soda 40.5 Sunkist orange 40 Dr. Pepper 39.6 Storm 38 Big Red 38 Pepsi Cola 37.2 Aspen 36.0 Diet Pepsi 35.4 RC Cola 36.0 Diet RC 36.0 Canada Dry Cola 30.0 Barq's Root Beer 23 Canada Dry Diet Cola 1.2 7 Up 0 Diet Rite Cola 0 Sprite 0 Mug Root Beer 0 Diet Barq's Root Beer 0 Sundrop Orange 0 Minute Maid Orange 0 A & W Root Beer 0 The authorities condemn their useless power as the dying sister flyeyes quote: From the trumpet of dischord will be born a man who will celebrate everyday as his holiday. His renown, praise, rule and power will grow on land and sea, bringing ruin to the beak of a blank generation when a new source of gold and silver is discovered in such narcissism. Alas! Bearer of this news, a secret sign for the vice of the centipede: VIVA! VIVA! VIENNA! [END VIENNAGRAM:]