[MODERN DAY:] [CPT. VIENNA BIDS BRAVO TO MOLLUSK ISLAND,INC:] August 06, 2003, 00:29 {dawn} due to inhalation of asbestos, I awake at 02:34:00 the post-morning is comprised of breaking open Rubix cubes with the butts of dueling pistols; to suck out the juicy pulp inside {midday} “The harvest moon submits to the cocoon” DECLINE! DECLINE? Took the eyeless whale to track down some gastro-intestinal mob informants. Boy, can the whale cook! 0-50 like snapping. WITH lumbar support. Stopped off along the way to help some orphans out. There just happened to be several kegs of butter in the trunk of the eyeless whale, so I turned out to be the hero. The orphans never learned manners so I was not upset when they didn’t even think of thanking me. The Karma Police took tabs. [CLASSIFIED:] I later found out that the Karma police are advising pregnant women, women of childbearing age who may become pregnant, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age to refrain from eating the following marine fish; shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tuna steak and tilefish. In addition, The karma police are expanding its previously issued statewide fish consumption advisory which cautioned pregnant women to avoid eating fish from all freshwater bodies due to concerns about mercury contamination, to now include women of childbearing age who may become pregnant, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age. Finally, Police Chief Carlton Abbott recommends that pregnant women, women of childbearing age who may become pregnant, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age limit their consumption of fish not covered by existing advisories to no more than 12 ounces (or about 2 meals) of cooked or uncooked fish per week. This recommendation includes canned tuna, the consumption of which should be limited to 2 cans per week. Very small children, including toddlers, should eat less. Consumers may wish to choose to eat light tuna rather than white or chunk white tuna, the latter of which may have higher levels of mercury. Mercury is of particular concern to the developing nervous system of the fetus and young child. Madness in every direction. {sundown} Jeff Frechette contacts me via [TELEPHONE WIRE:] JEFF FRECHETTE: BIG NEWS! HOT STUFF! DESPITE THE FISH CONSUMPTION ADVISORIES, THE KARMA POLICE AND, MORE IMPORTANTLY, POLICE CHIEF CARLTON ABBOTT , CONTINUE TO RECOGNIZE THE SUBSTANTIAL BENEFITS OF FISH CONSUMPTION BY THE GENERAL POPULATION. FISH ARE ONE OF THE BEST SOURCES OF NATURAL FATTY ACIDS THAT ARE HELPFUL IN REDUCING THE RISK OF HEART DISEASE. FISH ARE ALSO LOW IN SATURATED FAT AND HIGH IN PROTEIN. A VARIED DIET, INCLUDING FISH IN LIEU OF HIGH FAT FOOD, WILL LEAD TO IMPROVED NUTRITION AND BETTER HEALTH. [TECHNIQUE:] I pass out immediately at the sight of blood. It was in fact my own blood, as I had been playing with ninja stars the entire afternoon with the voice and dial-tone. I was immediately rushed to the truck weighing station on mollusk island. {dusk} I awake to find myself in the Octopus Lounge of the luxurious Mollusk Island salt flats Spa. My very own eyes are a brittle orange and a large pregnant Octopus is wrapped around my head. A scandinavian woman’s cleavage scared the great beast and it immediately burst a great cloud of follicle ink; It reaked of peroxide and battery acid. I cringed in dialect and the proper help was called. Luckily, I was fitted with a new Coca Cola I.V. and replacement hair. I took the Burning Zeppelin back to the mainland. [BULLHORN:] Farewell, Mollusk Island! Farewell! [NOTE:] Many octopuses produce venomous secretions. This venom is fatal to their favorite prey - crabs and lobsters. The tiny Blue Ringed Octopus in Australia is deadly to humans. It's tiny beak can even penetrate a SCUBA diver's wet suit. “some poor sap in america shot vinyl into his arm”- Jake of the SCC [VIA:] Reverend Shingles Psalms [VIA:] Atlas books. {twilight} Spoke to Miss Michigan via [TELEPHONE WIRE:] MISS MICHIGAN: “You are cordially invited to the unveiling of the invention cigarettes on Mollusk island. Due to the ecological decline on Mollusk Island you must bring: -guitar picks -soda you MUST barter with the natives. The stars are wonderous, here. Meet Diana Doors at the Cobra Café for further instruction. Thus, it is the end of the dark ages as the signals ring across the globe: .VIVA. ...................................................... .VIVA................................... .VIENNA...................................................... [END VIENNAGRAM:]