stop FOR TEA WITH economy July 26, 2003, 22:41 {dawn} awake to [TELEPHONE WIRE:] to [RECEIVE ORDERS:] Electric eel sneers between bicycle wheels, July 26th disassembles and builds me a river; for a provincial mannequin, here’s your prize: [PLEASE DECODE THE LIES:] give the host his flies on toast and publicly mock the occasion. Grand piano, drool at the salt bank. Issue Gaining horse for like 17 cents. Yours. “Keep the fear alive, you’ll never never die.” [BULLHORN:] in bust river, what can I tell over the water, And under the water, And always with its head down. spectacular but what is essenn-sense doesn't this sound cold, soda beauty? but I’m only typing that doc,like the fish [RESUME:] {midday} After Receiving orders, I report instantly to tape worm farm. The usual gang of degenerates and drones were there; hovering around a calcified puddle of tarantula milk, really lapping the stuff up. Wormhole: Basking in the glow of the pure asian skies, the drones have adapted to this kind of torture. Seeing as though they are in constant symbiotic conflict, their teeth are constantly blinking red. Amphetamine daydream. [TECHNIQUE:] To properly facilitate the tape worms one must go through extreme personal exploitation. Many times, the tape worms attach themselves to workers thighs, calves or reproductive organs (wormholes as they are referred to in the tapeworm biz.) [operation: made illegal by the act of 1937] Mr. Guns presented a dominating aroma to the situation. His façade was set on dangerous oxide and he would often grab a worker by the fat of their neck and squeeze to his satisfaction. [CLASSIFIED:] The Karma Police had been taking tabs on him for several years and today was my preliminary exposure. “everyone’s a critic” I was lambasted at the turnstile. I had been following Guns by the tone of his voice without looking for the signature stink of swagger and that signature metal oxide. [SEND MESSAGE:] start. Missing enamel. Infiltrated by William Guns. Threat to pop testicles via rare intravenous jade tapeworm. Threat to Send circumstancial support via eyeless whale. URGENT. [MESSAGE INFILTRATED:] [PATTERN A90-5768910027:] {sundown} [ERROR MISSING (003-26-0130)VIENNAGRAM:] [CLASSIFIED:] [ note: peiced together from scraps of enamel from within my cell of tapeworm negotiations and teenage gossip. I was later bailed out by slave traders , who were sent by a desert mirage of Donna Dear. Until next Muslim Sunday, everyone’s a critic. -start- Conform this, yellow jacket. ……………………………………………….Tube hat, colorful, take it out and off of that b-25 revolver A pot of glue; rome was the most depressing thing happened today: really sickly old people have dinner together. THESE ARE YOUR ORDERS. Please come closers. Here’s special paper. Sip back on amazon monsoon, come back here soon. Too much less long hairs. 51 thousand. I took the spectacles to the peach colored bathroom while assembling ambesol tape. So frankly, avant guard, back at headquarters, concubine, file under mutual debate……………………………………………………………………….] {dusk} nervy and noiseless. Fear of humming thorax that inflicts all writers. [CLASSIFIED:] Portuguese widowmaker is rampant. I excommunicate mathematics. {twilight} heaven collapse. Taking home the red sample medicine chest fills with doubt and dies like latin. [DECODE:] [END VIENNAGRAM:]