Assignment 4
print("Assignment 4.");
size(500, 500);
background(209, 188, 233);
println("1. Circle");
ellipse(125, 125, 45, 45);
// ellipse(x,y)(diameter)
line(125, 150, 125, 320);
// body of left person - line(x1,y1,x2,y2)
println("2. Circle");
fill(247, 59, 210);
ellipse(300, 180, 45, 45);
//body of right person
line(300, 200, 300, 310);
//arm on person to the right
line(250, 230, 350, 230);
//left leg on person to the right
line(300, 310, 250, 360);
//right leg on person to the right
line(300, 310, 350, 360);
//arm of person on the left
line(80, 210, 180, 210);
//right leg on left person
line(125, 320, 60, 340);
//left left on left person
line(125, 320, 175, 340);
fill(202, 241, 249);
println("3. circle");
ellipse(145, 100, 4, 4);
println("4. circle");
ellipse(149, 90, 5, 5);
println("5. circle");
ellipse(151, 80, 6, 6);
println("6. circle");
ellipse(155, 55, 55, 33);
save("assignment 4.png");