/* NAME: Alijah Gilbert */ void setup() { background(#FFFFFF); size(500,500); fill(#000000); stroke(#000000); //commas allow you to have multiple ints (or any kind of variable) instead of writing int every time //int x,y,z; is the same as int x; int y; int z; //float x,y,z; --> float x; float y; float z; //putting (int) gives random int. random gives a float by default, int was needed int bodyX = (int)random(100,300), //random x value; original x was 250; bodyY = (int)random(200,500), //random y value between 350 and 400 //tail's location based on the body's location tailX = bodyX-164, tailY = bodyY-20, //head location based on the body's location headX = bodyX+130, headY = bodyY-110, //ear's location based on the head's location leftEarX = headX-17, // OR bodyX+113; 130-17 = 113 leftEarY = headY-115, inLeftEarX = leftEarX, inLeftEarY = leftEarY+15, //right ear location in relation to left ear rightEarX = leftEarX+37, rightEarY = leftEarY, inRightEarX = rightEarX, inRightEarY = rightEarY+15, //eyes based on head leftEyeX = headX-10, leftEyeY = headY-10, leftPupilX = leftEyeX, leftPupilY = leftEyeY-5, //right eye based on left eye rightEyeX = leftEyeX+25, rightEyeY = leftEyeY, rightPupilX = rightEyeX, rightPupilY = leftPupilY, leftToothX = headX-2, leftToothY = headY+35, rightToothX = leftToothX+5, rightToothY = leftToothY, noseX = headX+3, noseY = headY+28; ellipse(bodyX,bodyY,300,200); //random Body ellipse(tailX,tailY,50,60); //Tail ellipse(headX,headY,100,150); //Head ellipse(leftEarX,leftEarY,40,150); //Left ear ellipse(rightEarX,rightEarY,40,150); //right ear fill(#FF0080); ellipse(inLeftEarX,inLeftEarY,20,100); //Left ear inner ellipse(inRightEarX,inRightEarY,20,100); //right ear inner fill(#FFFFFF); ellipse(leftEyeX,leftEyeY,25,50); // left eye ellipse(rightEyeX,rightEyeY,25,50); // right eye fill(#000000); ellipse(leftPupilX,leftPupilY,10,20); // left eye pupil ellipse(rightPupilX,rightPupilY,10,20); // right eye pupil fill(#FFFFFF); rect(leftToothX,leftToothY,5,15); //left tooth rect(rightToothX,rightToothY,5,15); //right tooth fill(#FF0080); ellipse(noseX,noseY,10,10); //nose } void draw() {}