Echoing the disorienting effects of superimposition, Jeffrey Scudder's occupation of a familiar virtual environment scrambles the codes of perception and desire. Self-Actualization Replaces the Journey takes the form of a video console unit configured for single player access to the popular “open world” action adventure video game Grand Theft Auto IV. Through a hardware setup that includes four PS3 game consoles, a computer and a video mixer, Scudder’s system superimposes four different players controlled simultaneously by the user as the screen cycles from one fixed perspective to the next. Here, the user’s supposed agency, as promised by the seeming boundlessness of the game’s environment, is collapsed into a prison-like mechanism of unending dissolution. halloween should be blocked out as web game polemon rby south side house 272 morgan iscp email galloway random link clicker bookmarklet 'wander' 'stray' dv8 pointless ice cream gets colder but the kids stay the same age does that work on a boy? work that boy im working him but its hard, have u done it? im him working oh u are? i didn't know didn't i know wlcm 2 hlwn! u go2 art school u try sumthings out but thers jus nothing u dont do on purpose voices inmy head i need choices in my bed us fiction us fictions us less 17572785 2650 do not rely solly on backups ethos