slow down killa kela the extensions of man i want to fu k you like an animal shoot pictures that turn sideways sky cubes, sky box inside out use of te word strange i dont lie your outfit i like a diva no space between conversation Mieczystaw Janowski Andrzej Palmchiewicz nov8th and 9th rubber philosopher masks only conversation through reading interiors porn film Today! return book today!!! bullets in the dark game kenneth anger dream lover with computer movable types - scan my dnd dice and put together in a composition incomplete viewing screen heim steinbeck cross connected interpennetrating and overlapping james joyce teaches typing saves mistakes skybox grid, walk into different skyboxes from one to another skybox labyrinth the gallery of lost art i fingered finnegan imagine sight and sound bouncing around the screeen switches back and forth between both ohrases above on each bounce or every three bounces or two bounces? typewriter typewriter typewriter typewriter. human opera xxx meiro kozumi bjorne melhus guy ben ner moby dick souls run deep neuroscience carolyn kristov walkerartcenter youtube send lectures to jane ed halter matthew saunders stan vanderbeek aca residency florida core foundation image color switcher the appropriated response suncroppings against expression skeuomorphism the shape of the signifier phone party game where you turn the phone upside down and a new image is revealed rationalizations of technology people explaining things the objects are the center of focus record dad and use objects as slideshow est. 2012 / steakhouse / nowheresville tinker tailor soldier spy sky fall bond phillip seymor hoffman bad guy piece microphones for others to use with pictures entering the scene like play things digital action figures digital finger plays roll dice audibly in video to change characters each player can control position and layer order of all objects two person image switcher kind of thing? all on the same plane? keys to change background or image of mouse controlled character characters making love, reenact certain film scenes using their photos as action figures invoice drawings from google spreadsheet? or maybe just a txt file list with the paypal buttons or SOLD thing maybe the image name is enough? ####_paypal.jpg watch a film and pause to make a new film during it create a drawing class / group annotated blibliography with several sources raining dice ei karawa bela tarr sofia coppola somewhere the shakers tino seghal michael asher CAR CAR CAR TRUCK then she kissed me video porn interiors mobile scrupture beer battered eyes send mind game to ngozi