You have just been sent a Financial Abundance angel! Pass her to two people, and be rich in four days. Pass her to six then be rich in two days. You ARE already rich!!! I am not joking; you will find an un-expected windfall. If you delete her, you will never know how she works?.. She really does work like magic! NO Pass Backs. Pay HER forward *** Pass it on Scroll down please This is the e-mail that the employee's at ATB in Edmonton passed around before they won the big lottery last year. Let's hope it works for you. There are five things that you cannot recover in life: (1) The Stone...........after it's thrown, (2) The Word...............after it's said, (3) The Occasion......after it's missed, and (4) The Time.............after it's gone. (5) A person...............after they die If you delete it - you will beg! - seeing is believing. MONEY ANGEL This is a money angel. Pass it to 6 of your good friends or family and be rich in 4 days. Pass it to12 of your good friends or family and be rich in 2 days. I am not joking. You will find an unexpected windfall. If you delete it, you will beg.