digital campfire appointments spirits and beings Multiuser stamp based node js drawing software James franco Vs allen ginsberg Guernica i saw, the best minds, of my generation, destroyed by james franco's allen ginsberg impersonation RU The difference between autistic and artistic LadyBug camera Smiley Face para-songs Amateur vs. Professional Language verbal language anti verbal Semionaut Representation vs Abstraction blake butler 1vs0 Windows People in a circle i lead them on vision quests It is important for our children to know who our friends and enemies were… but more important for them to know why we discriminated. i wish today was the day that would never come i never thought that today would ever come Folk professional folks Double karaoke stereo channel performance Is art based on myth and circumstance? James Franco as Daniel Johnston News Art - "James Franco to star as Daniel Johnston in upcoming biopic." The system of celebrity as an aesthetic or thought pattern disease that can be abstracted somehow.... Into sound? Or anything? Species and people I dont like Mind mapping... Iphone kosuth Art world important or just a subculture.... Point of view from where and who? Technique and intent Crayons on the floor Cave painting Symbols or not... Body Actions sans objects Baby blankets... On the fringes White Magic toy company... We influence whole generations Exquisitely deliberate process Illusion When what you think is fake is actually real Responsibility.... Levels lives winners and losers Obkects personalitae Im for low def! Essay G The act of mediation is tje message Work should be a manual or tutorial for itself Pencil eraser what!? Not just smart… visibly smart. my ambition took me a long way, but once I got there I wondered who I was. Wqlmart patterns Body game exploration night Rhyme dance body patterns Develop traditions Large wicked world digital image Miiiiiind configuration Do you mind x4 Some people repeat themselves Finnegans wake Are you happy or are yiu sad Are you good or Re yiu bad I had a yirlftirnd named society JAS