Dr. Rectangula Travis First make an oval head 3 inches wide,1-1/2 inches tall and color it green. Then put in a rectangular mouth that is 1-1/4 inches wide ,1/8 inches tall ,and color it yellow. Dr. Rectangula has three white eyes centered all in a row. Make the first two eyes 3/8 inches wide and 1/4 tall. Make the last eye 5/8 inches wide and 1/4 inches tall. Then put one dot for pupils in the middle of each eye and add two thin curved antennas on the head. Put the head on top of a rectangle 2-3/4 inches wide and 2 inches tall and color it blue. This will be his body. Make two legs with feet coming out of the bottom of the rectangle that are 1-3/8 inches long and 1/4 inches wide and color them red. Finally, Dr.Rectangula has two arms that go up and down along the side of his body, and are 3-1/8 inches long, 3/8 inches wide, and colored purple!