Disco Grouch Adam 1. Draw a big red square for the body. 2. Draw a big green square inside the body outlined with a thick black line. 3. Put two white doughnut shapes inside the green square outlined in black. 4. Draw two short orange legs outlined in a thick black line. 5. Make four arms.The top arms shorter and fatter and the bottom arms longer and skinnier. They are shaped like moose antlers. Outline the arms in green and the insides are orange. 6. Put a red circle for the head on on top of the square. 7. Put two mouths one near the top of the head and one near the bottom. 8. Color the mouths yellow outlined in black. 9. Make five white eyes outlined in black between the two mouths. 10. Make two big black ears. 11. Make long black strips of hair sticking out all around the head.