Little Tim Chelsea The first thing I did was draw a medium circle in the middle of the paper. Then I gave him a blue shirt. He has 4 legs and green pants. He is wearing 4 shoes, one is purple with blue shoelaces and another is blue with blue shoelaces, 2 are green shoes with blue shoelaces. He has two yellow hands .One on the right side and one on the left side. He has a big pink doughnut with blue sprinkles in his left hand. In the other he has a blue bag. On top of the medium circle draw a medium circle for his head. On his face there is a big smile with white teeth. Inside his mouth is red. He has a triangle nose that has two big black dots. He has oval shaped eyes that are yellow circles near the top of his head. He has green hair that is spiked. Make an ear on each side of his head. He has 2 ears that are yellow and the insides are red. His face is yellow with green triangles on the side of his face. He has a small neck. You have just made Little Tim.