Monster Elf Kaitlyn 1. Draw a medium sized orange circle for a head at the top of the page and color it in. 2. Draw a jack-o-lantern face in the orange circle with a grey marker. 3. Below it draw a bigger grey circle for the body. DO NOT COLOR IT IN. 4. Next draw three circles going down the middle of the grey circle vertically. Color in the circles. 5. Stripe the grey circle horizontally with pink and yellow. 6. Draw two long, skinny, black rectangles for legs coming out of the grey circle. Color them in. 7. Then draw one green horizontal oval coming out of each black leg for the top of the socks. Color the oval in. 8. Then draw short red rectangles coming out of each leg for the bottom of the socks. Color them in. 9. Make black horizontal triangles under the socks for shoes. Color them in. 10. On the outside of the orange circle by the eyes draw pink vertical ovals for ears. Color them in. 11. Draw a red vertical triangle on top of the orange circle. Color it in. 12. On the tip of the red triangle, draw a little green circle. Color it in. 13. From each side of the grey circle, draw a blue rectangle with five spikes on the end. Color in.