Hairy Mar KyAnn My monsters name is Hairy Mary. She lives in New Jersey she likes to scare older kids. (fifth grade and up). She has another head it is a boy named Tanner. Tanner is red. He has 2 eye balls one bigger than the other. He also has a long nose and a mustache. This is what hairy Mary looks like. She is very hairy. She has 4 eyes, along warty nose, 3 mouths. Her arms are different colors one is yellow the other is purple. She has 3 legs one is brown and pink and the next one is pink and green and the last one is green and brown. She is riding a skate board. This is Mary's story. She lives in New Jersey she likes to scare kids. She eats dogs and other hairy animals. She is friends with the boogie man and scary Mary. On Halloween she takes candy from little kids. Her birthday is on december26. She is going to be married in April. She is getting married to Mr.Zombie. She lives in a huge cave. She has a pet zombie. She named him march. That is Mary's story. The end