Snoogle Daniella Snoogle is a monster that can be fun and mean he can come through the fridge when a kid is alone somewhere in the house it's like the fridge is a portal. He looks like a person but has a face that's upside down! He has two pointy teeth in his mouth, he has a scar next to his right eye but since his face is upside down it's on the left. His eye brows are two lines. His body is a triangle with a small arrow pointing down. His arms are lines to. His hands are spiky balls. He has no feet so he has a cloud so he can float. In his mouth it's red, his teeth are yellow, his scar is as red as blood, his eyes are gray he has black eye brows, yellow hands, his shirt is red with a black arrow, a gray cloud and a white head. He scares me because he turns into thing and when I'm alone he turns back into his scary self and scares me by saying BOO! Right in my ear. Beware of Snoogle.