Fairyhairy by Faith # 4 1.Draw a wide purple oval in the center of the page. 2. On top of the body you draw a small purple out lined oval going vertical. 3.You draw the two legs. One is blue and the other one is yellow on the bottom of the body. 4.You draw the two skinny red arms on each side of the body. Don't forget the blue pom poms. 5. On the head you put a purple bow with blue pom poms. 6. On the right side of the body you put a squiggly line with a red pom pom at the end for the tail. 7. Then you draw the blue eyes with black eye lashes. 8.Then you put a blue nose in the middle of the head. 9.After that you put pink triangular mouth with a triangle tongue. 10. Next you put a blue belly button in the center of the page. 11. Then you draw the pink bathing suit. 12. Lastly you put the hairy blue armpits. 13. Now you know how to draw my monster.