Pepperoni Pizza Monster Steven Hello I would like you to meet my pepperoni pizza monster. His super power is shooting pepperoni pizza slices. When you look at him he looks like a round pepperoni pizza with arms, legs, and long weird eyes with bacon ears. My monster sizzles like a fresh pizza out of the oven. He also make a bubbling with his cheese. My monster fells very gooey and cheesy. My monster also has a soft hat crust. My monsters bacon are nice and crispy. My monster has a medium circle body. He is made of ten pizza slices. My monsters cheese is as yellow as a lemon. He has three pieces of pepperoni two at the top of the slice and one at the bottom. My monster has long skinny eyes at the top of the circle that look like eyeball lollipops. My monsters ears are crispy pieces of bacon. The ears are on the left and right of the eyes. He has long thick crusty arms with nine claws on the right. On the other arm that is also fat and crusty has seven claws. My monsters arms are on the side of the pizza. My monster has short fat legs that are about a paperclip long. Then the legs are sideways and are the shape of a square. This is my pepperoni pizza monster.