Mr. Massive Garrett Mr. Massive is the biggest monster you have ever seen in your whole life. He is bigger than the Eifel Tower. His head is the shape of an egg. His eyes are orange squares set on a diagonal. He has no nose. His mouth is shaped like a hotdog and has a pattern of green and black and it starts with the color green. His whole head is black. His neck is about a millimeter long. His body is a large square. On the inside he has two blue squares, triangles, and diamonds on the left and right sides of his body. Those shapes are on the left going up and down with squares on the top and diamonds in the middle and triangles on the bottom. Lastly, right below his neck and below the box in the middle there are two squares. In the center of his body there is another medium sized square with a red handle and a big red circle in the middle. His arms start with a half circle a bit below the top of his body. His left arm goes down sideways for about one and a half inches and then he has a circle joint that is black. Then his red arm goes straight across and his hand is another half circle with five fingers on it. His right arm also starts with a half circle and goes straight up about two inches before its circle joint. His arm keeps going up until it ends with another half circle and five stubby fingers. His legs are shaped like upside down, very sturdy T's. His legs are blue like the sky. His feet are red rectangles that are heavy as cinder blocks.