Bob The T.V Guy Lauren Hello my name is 'Bob The T.V Guy' and I am an actual T.V with tentacles for legs. I am really loud and have a very smooth glass screen. I am also very colorful. The first thing you have to do to draw me is make a big rectangle. Then put a smaller rectangle inside of the bigger rectangle. This will be my head. For my face, you will start with drawing a circle at the top of the rectangle then a black dot in the center. This is my one eye. Above my eye my eye draw a flat m. This is my eyebrow. Now bellow my eye, draw a small w. This is my mustache. I obviously have a mouth. To draw that, you make a straight line then a halve circle under it. Don't forget the teeth. I only have four silly looking teeth in all, two on the top and two on the bottom. They are in the in the center of my mouth. Because I am a T.V, I have antennes. To draw this, make a V on the top of my head then two small circle at the each end. I am also wearing headphones. You draw this by making two circles on either side of my head. Then a thick curved line around the top of my head. Now for the legs. My legs are tentacles and I have four of them. To draw this, make four thick purple lines. The next thing you do is make four small yellow dots on the side facing inward. Oh, and I almost forgot, I have a red bow tie at the top of all my tentacles. That is basically it. I hope you drew me well, and you like how I look. Now I hope you are as happy as a bee and honey.