Eye-ballhead Haylee G. Eye-ballhead likes to do a lot of things like going to Disneyland and Epcot, does karate, and likes to go swimming. He also goes snowboarding and plays basketball. Eye-ballhead also likes to hang out at the beach, eat pizza at the pizza place Maria's and likes to be a dj. Eye-ballhead likes to play with his friends. Eye-ballhead's friends are Wedghead, Pumpkinhead, Ninja Ghost, Muddy Milly, Bombhead, Sofia the Bat, Hiss the Snake, and Lily the Lollipop. Eye-ballhead looks like an unusual monster, and he is! Eye-ballhead has tiny blue arms with big, fat brown fingers and he has a lime green tail. Eye-ballhead also has three eyeballs on his face and has purple feet. Under Eye-ballhead's one big and two small eyes, he has a big red smile. You never can forget his many eyeballs! Eye-ballhead has many green arms on his head. The arms are holding pink and yellow eyeballs. Eye-ballhead is the nicest and most awesome monster ever!