Martie the Marshin Max 1.Draw a circle head in light Green. It is 3 3/4 inches from top to bottom. It is 3 1/4 inches wide. Outline and color it in light green. 2.Draw 3 black eyes inside the circle in a straight line across. Inside each eye is white with a black dot in the middle. The outline of each eye is black. 3. Three-quarter inch under the middle eye draw a circle nose in light blue. Color it in light blue. The nose should be much smaller than the eyes. 4. The mouth is one thick line in the shape of a smile. It is purple. It is as wide as all 3 eyes. 5.The body is a triangle. The top point of the triangle is touching the bottom of the head. The triangle is Yellow. It is colored in yellow too. It is 5 inches from top to bottom on each side. It is 4 1/2 inches across the bottom. 6. Draw an arm on the right side of the triangle 2 inches up from the bottom right corner of the body. The arm is one inch long and has no is in the shape of a skinny small rectangle. Draw a second arm the same size on the same side one inch higher than the first arm. Draw two more arms on the left side the same size as the right side. You should have 4 arms all together. The arms are outlined in orange and they are also colored in orange. 7.Draw a leg that is 1 inch long starting 1 inch from the bottom left corner of the triangle. Draw a roller-skate at the bottom of the leg with 3 wheels. Draw another leg 1 3/4 inches to the right of the left leg. Draw a roller skate with 3 wheels on the right leg too. Each wheel should be smaller than your pinky fingernail. The legs are outlined in red and colored in red. The roller skates are outlined in purple and colored in purple. The wheels are outlined and colored in dark blue. 8.The monster should have 3 antennas they should each be 1 inch apart from each other. They should be 3/4 inches long including a tiny little circle on the end. The lines on the antennas are black and the circles on the ends are purple. 9. His name is "Martie the Marshin." Write the name in black letters across the top.