Thunder Shock Lukus My monster has a circle shaped body. His body is light green. It's legs are sharp upside down triangles, he has 4 of those legs. His legs are dark blue. His mouth is a red rectangle. There are two fangs coming out of his mouth (on the left and right). His fangs have a bubble on the end of each one. He has black fangs and the bubbles are purple poison. His 8 eyes are spread out near his head. His eyes are light blue. There is a red lazar coming out of the top left eye ending at the side of his body. Through his body is a line going straight down (up to down). Then there is a line crossing the line that goes side to side. These lines are black. There are two X's crossed on these lines. The X's are black just like the lines. My monster's horns are black triangles with a smaller red triangle in the middle. At the end of the ears lightning bolts are coming out (fat lightning bolts). Last but not least his spikes are shaped like triangles and they are on the left and right. They are coming out of the side of his body. His spikes are all purple. The arms are dark green.