The Oogly Boogly Elise Turn your paper vertical and draw a big rectangle in the middle of your paper so that it's horizontal and color it red. Put a circle in the middle of your rectangle and put two square teeth in the circle leave the inside of the circle and the teeth white. Make one ear on the each short side of the rectangle and they are 2 cm tall and orange. Make feet on the bottom like chicken feet with four toes make the feet and the legs purple. The arms are on the top of the rectangle they are green and squiggly with four fingers. Put the arms on either side of the eyes. Put two eyes on top of two different rectangles but make them attached to the red rectangle on the top and color the rectangles blue. Make a lightning bolt in the middle of the two blue rectangles and color it yellow and put an eye on top of it. All eyes have 8 eyelashes right next to each other. When your done outline everything in black.