Sweetie Pie Zuri My monster's name is Sweetie Pie. She loves to go up to random people and hug them then give them a piece of candy .She has so many friends she can't count but her best friends are Leah, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Curly, and ,Scary Gary plus ,Mr. Roboto. Sweetie Pie can be found world wide. Her favorite hide out spot is in Candy Land. Now, here's how to draw Sweetie Pie. First start with an oval head and two triangle ears on each side of the head .Now draw a hemisphere mouth on the bottom of the head. Now, draw a tongue coming out of the mouth. Then draw a small star in the middle of the head as a nose. Then draw two little hearts as eyes then draw a heart in each ear .Now for the coloring lets start with the hardest part of the head you will need these colors: black, orange, red, yellow, magenta, and lime green. Now, using all the colors make little marks all around her head. Then, make bubbly looking patterns using magenta and orange. Color the ears dark purple and the inside hearts are light pink. Now draw the body it is just like a human body and attach it to the head. Now the neck is a square that is split in half. Color the halves orange and magenta. The bottom part of her neck is light purple and the chest is a red heart with a black smiley face on it. The rest of the chest is orange and the arms are yellow and the stomach is maroon. She is wearing a pink mini skirt. Her legs are gray and she has a lime green basket the shape of a heart with candy coming out of it in her right hand. She has a maroon tail with red fuzzy fur coming out of it. If you like candy you'd better have a sharp eye out for Sweetie Pie.