Mr. Roboto Justin My guy has a box head and body. On his box body he has another box with a black circle inside with 20 squares around the black circle. He has a dollar and quarter slot on the right side of his chest. On the top of his head he has a little antenna and a red circle on the top of the antenna. He has two green squares as eyes and he has two squares in those green squares and they are orange. Same with the mouth except the outside part is pink but the inside is still orange. He has two push slots on his chest near his heart. He has two rectangles for legs. His arms are rectangles. In his left arm he is holding a Cola. His right arm is dangling like he is doing the robot. On his belly he has a place to put cans to be crushed. He is an all grey robot. His favorite sport is lacrosse. His favorite hangouts are the beach, the pop factory, Fat City, and Taco Bell. His favorite foods are tacos, spaghetti, pop, chocolate milk, and pizza. His best friends are H.Bob, Jojo, Sweetie Pie, Leah, Sunny, and his dog named Killer. Mr. Roboto is a walking soda machine. So if you like soda come and see Mr. Roboto!