Spiky Alec Spiky's friends are Death Trap, Mr.Roboto, Bob and Sunny. Spikys favorite hangouts are The Club House, Fat City, and The White House. His job is to guard the President. Don't you think he is a good security guard? How to make Spiky First you make a human shape and color it green. Then draw a ware wolf head, outline it in purple and color it with green hairs. Its mouth is smiling and its eyes are purple with black eye pupils. Then you draw an anaconda on the left and outline it in yellow and color it purple. Its eyes are black and he has an orange squiggly nose and a red mouth. The anaconda head breathes fire. Red inside and orange outside. There are 4 spikes on his chest. There are 2 wings on his arms and 2 on his shoulders. Then color the wings orange.Then put 2 spikes on his arms. Then put 2 pebble hands on each arm. Then you put 4 fingers on each hand. Each finger is made of 3 pebbles. Then there are 2 pebble feet. Each foot has 4 big stones that are connected to 4 pebbles that serve as toes. Then color all the pebbles purple. Then he has a fat tail that has 4 spikes on the bottom and 5 on the top. Then color all the spikes red. Then he holds an American Flag in his left hand. He's a very patriotic monster.