Pop Eyes Amelia She is friendly. She likes to read. If I met her on the street I would be scared. She lives at 2003 vbl2. She loves to eat people and sometimes she eats pets. She is half monster and half human. She loves flowers. She likes to draw her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is Purple Madison. She loves to skateboard. She likes to ski. Her boyfriend is from Mississippi. First draw a sky with clouds in it and a sun. On the bottom of the page, draw some ground. The sky is blue and the clouds are gray. The sun is yellow and the ground is orange. In both corners there is one tree in each corner. Next, draw a head and the head is a circle. On the top of the head, draw twelve eyes, six antennas, and six ears on the very top of the head. Below the eyes, there are six purple shaped noses, under that, there are six red checks. Below that, there are five black lips. The hair is brown with black streaks that go down to her shoulders. Her neck is a fence post upside down. Her hair is blue. She has six arms; three on one side of the body and on the other side of her she has three more arms.