Billy Brian 1 He has a big round green outline head that is white on the inside. 2 He has two big round eyeballs that go all the way across the middle of his head. The eyeballs are 2 big white circles outlined in blue. Inside each of these big white circles are is another smaller white circle outlined in blue. On top of the two big round eyeballs is a third small round eyeball that is also a white circle outlined in blue, with a very small white circle outlined in blue inside it. 3 Above the monster's head there are two yellow suns each with one eyeball inside of it. 4 He has a blue smiling mouth over his third eyeball. 5 Draw a thin green line that goes all the way through his head just above his eyes and below his mouth. This will be his arms. His arms are bent and he is touching the sides of his head with both hands. 6 He has two short green legs. His legs are one on each side of his head, coming out right under his eyes. They are not coming from the bottom of his head. The legs go away from his body at a downward angle.