Egg Man Mandy 1. My monster is inside a yellow eggshell. It looks like he's peeking out. His 2 thick red arms and 2 thick red legs are outside the egg with 3 toes on each foot and 3 claws on each hand. There is one arm/leg on each side. His left arm is bent; his right arm is straight. 2. His head is red. You can only see some of his head as it peeks out from the yellow shell. The top of his head has yellow shell on it like a hat. Under the yellow shell you can see his 1 round black eye, right in the middle of his head. Inside the black eye is a smaller white circle. Inside the white circle is a tiny green dot. On either side of his eye are two round pink blush circles. The top of his head has a humongous chunk of yellow shell. Six little skinny strands of green hair stick out from the top of the shell. 3. He has no nose, ears or mouth showing. His name is Egg Man!