Monster 4 William Fat Stick Dundee is another version of Stick Man Dundee. Stick Man Dundee is flat, but Fat Stick Dundee is a bit fatter. Fat Stick Dundee has a long vertical oval body that is mahogany, and has a light blue triangle nose. Fat Stick Dundee's two eyes are on top of each other, the top eye is light green, and the bottom eye is light pink. His mouth squiggles and is dark purple. He has bright yellow antennas that are one and a half inches long and are on top of his head. The left one goes up and goes diagonal and the right one goes up and goes diagonal too. Fat Stick Dundee has six dark green arms that wiggle and stretch out about one and a half inches. The hands are on the tip of the end of each arm. They are blue-purple and are about a half inch long. Finally the legs are sky blue and come out one and a half inches. He likes to run in the rain, and when it stops raining, he dries on the ground like a stick. Maybe if he's lucky he might find his relative, Stick Man Dundee.