Jarzy David My monster has many very interesting facts (for instance he has 7 eyes). My monsters name is Jarzy. He has an oval-shaped body that is split into three sections. The first section is orange with 4 of the eyes in it. The first set of eyes is bigger then the bottom set of eyes. The second section is red with a yellow triangular nose. It also includes two mouths with jagged teeth. The third section is all yellow. The third section has two heads coming out from the sides .They are red with jagged teeth and black eyes. Out of the top of the orange section come two purple Ys with three small eyes on each point. A purple horn is coming out of the head on each side of the Ys. In the middle section a blue triangle is coming out of each side producing into butterfly like wings that are green. Coming out of the top orange section are two red arms one on either side of the horns. Coming out of the bottom section are two yellow feet ' one on either side.