My monster is Piggy Wiggy! Alicia H. Piggy Wiggy has an orange cylinder shaped body, with tiny green arms and big orange feet with red toenails! Piggy Wiggy has a tiny nose with big red lips. She also has green eyes with big green eyelashes. She has a very nice personality, and she smiles a lot and likes to dance (surprisingly!) Piggy Wiggy's hair is now starting to grow out, but the only odd thing is that it is starting to turn green! Piggy Wiggy is a very unique and funny looking monster, but don't be fooled, she is very kind and gentle! Piggy Wiggy is a also a regular sized monster that is about 24 years old (even though she was made a couple of weeks ago!) She also likes to tell jokes and sometimes sing. (She is very shy.) Luckily though that she likes to have fun most time, especially when there are her monster friends to have fun with! So that is most of the info about my odd monster! Have fun!