Bull-Dog Cesar My monster's name is BULL -DOG. He has got a big, squared face, with three eyes. The one on the left is oval and black, the one on the right is oval and blue and there is one rectangular and green eye between the ovals eyes. He has got a triangular red nose, and a mouth in banana-shaped and is orange. He has also got five, big, triangular, green hairs and two horns, one on the right and one on the left. Bull-dog has got a triangular, yellow body with one hole in the middle of it and there are two arms, the one on the left is short, blue and thin and the one on the right is long, orange and thin. He has also got five triangular legs sticking out of the bottom of the body. They are upside-down. The first is pink, the second is blue, the third is green, the fourth is orange and the fifth is brown. There is also a brown, oval tail on the right side under the arm.